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English translation for "processing image"

Example Sentences:
1.Pseudo - collars coding is the method to process image
2.Can vecon - vis process images from multiple entrances exits with only one computer
3.Digital is a necessarily developing tendency that transfers and processes image
4.At first it process image , then it process data , at last it will finish distinguish automatically
5.Numerical reconstruction overcomes the shortcoming of optical method and helps to store and process images digitally
6.Projections for 2006 are to double production to 100 000 motherboards and graphics boards used for processing images
7.The right hemisphere processes images , melodies , modulation , complex patterns such as faces , as well as the body ' s spatial orientation
8.At the same time dsp is prone to satisfy the demands of large operations , real - time and high transmitting rate when processing image
9.2 ) processing image by using perona - malik equation evolves image to partly planar image . this is the main reason causing blocky effects
2 ) perona ? malik方程处理图像,是将图像向分块水平图像过渡,这是产生块效应的主要原因。
10.And post - processed imaging for the multi - spectral imaging of the doe , so as to extract out required optical spectrum . all results of above have acquired positive prescription
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